Thanks for being part of the team of staff and volunteers who make our events happen. We couldn’t do it without you! We use your data for selection, deployment, and training; to perform background checks; for accreditation purposes; to provide uniforms, transport, training, and rewards; to administer and evaluate assessments; and to tell you about upcoming opportunities and events.
What data do we collect?
FIFA and the LFS (Local FIFA Subsidiary) collect(s) the personal data of the data subjects provided to FIFA by means of the registration form on the FIFA Global Volunteer Platform. FIFA and/or the LFS collect(s) the following categories of personal data:
Date and place of birth
Email address, postal address, and phone number
Country and city of residence
National Identification/passport number
Clothing size
Emergency contact information
Volunteer experience
Role interest
Language spoken and level
Professional experience
Driving license information
Study level
Working preferences
Dietary restrictions
Disability information
Social media addresses
Background check status
Education and qualifications
Precise geolocation coordinates
Employee information
Medical history
Technical details (such as user account information)
Accreditation status and number
Assessment score
How do we use your data?
FIFA and/or LFS use the personal data as follows: (i) to select, assign and deploy the volunteers; (ii) to perform background checks and issue volunteers’ accreditations; (iii) to provide uniforms; (iv) to provide transportation services to volunteers, if needed; (v) to reward volunteers at the end of the event; (vi) to communicate with volunteers in the context of the event; (vii) to provide volunteers with specific training in accordance to the respective role; and (viii) to inform volunteers about any upcoming FIFA event that may be of their interest by means of the newsletter subscription. (ix) to administer and evaluate assessments to support the selection, development, and placement of volunteers in appropriate roles.
How long do we keep your data for?
We will keep your personal data for a period of four years after registering on the FIFA Global Volunteer Platform to cover a full FIFA World Cup cycle.
Who do we share your data with?
Local FIFA Subsidiary
Our rostering partners
Security authorities, for background checks
Host Country
Visa authorities or third parties assisting in the entry visa process
Third-party partners conducting volunteer assessments
Storage of your data and data security
Your personal data is stored and maintained in a database in Switzerland or in the European Economic Area (EEA), Australia and the country where the LFS is located. The database is operated by FIFA or on FIFA's behalf. Some or all of the Personal Data may be stored outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). If FIFA stores and processes Personal Data outside the EEA, FIFA will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the EEA and under the Applicable Data Protection Laws. Such measures might include the conclusion of data transfer agreements on the basis of the relevant EU model clauses. Data security is very important to FIFA. In order to protect the Personal Data, suitable measures to safeguard and secure the Personal Data have been put into place.
What part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers this?
Article 6 paragraph 1 (a) GDPR (consent)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (b) GDPR (contract)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (c) GDPR (compliance with legal obligation)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (e) GDPR (public interest)
Article 6 paragraph 1 (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)